Published on03/05/2020 1:13 pm

Having a happy, well-behaved and balanced dog requires a lot of work. Before going out for a new dog, you should give it some serious thought. You have to make sure that you’re prepared for the commitment and care that it takes to have a new dog in your family.

Unfortunately, most dog owners don’t have time to teach their dogs to obey basic commands. It’s detrimental to your home and your family. Therefore, you should allow professional dog trainers in Marlton NJ to train your dog effectively.

Here are a few steps to follow to get started dog training in Marlton NJ:

Try to be consistent

Start training your dog to do a specific behavior in a day and allow him to do the same in the very next day. You have to train at least five to ten minutes every day, the same way you train them before using hand signals and words.

Praise them and give treat occasionally

When you ask your dog to do a certain thing like sit, the minute he hits the ground you should say in a happy voice i.e. Good Boy. Even,

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Published on07/04/2018 12:04 pm

Choosing professional dog training service in Marlton to help you in teaching your dog to become a good canine companion is an essential and sometimes a daunting aspect for pet parents. There are plentiful dog training service providers in Marlton to choose from, lots of methods being used by many trainers and little industry regulation in regard to quality of training or service provided.

In addition to, many people begin their search when they are experiencing a behavior issue with their dog. However, you will find a wide array of pet parents who are a bit confused and panicked. Hence, here are a few questions you should consider asking to a company providing dog training in Marlton:

Dog Training Marlton

Methods: -

Often times, it has been observed that dogs are trained using repeated harsh jerks on a choke collar and lots of shouting. Avoid those trainers who use force training. Though it is not necessary, it is also not as effective as a more modern, motivation based approach. Force based training can

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Published on11/25/2017 7:40 am

Does your dog get confused and not obey your orders most of the time? Are you in search of methods that would make your dog behave properly and know his or her role in this world? If you are interested in giving your dog a fair chance of understanding the black and white in his or her world, the basic dog obedience training in Marlton will help. It is unavoidable since all the crucial needs including physical exercise, mental stimulation, the manner and responsiveness in your dog’s life can get fulfilled in one go. There is no doubt that dog obedience training in Marlton can make a difference in the attitude and behavior of your pet. Not only will the dog be happier but ultimately it will improve your relationship.

Below are just a few ways that basic dog obedience training in Marlton can make a difference in your pet’s life:

Dog Obedience Training in marlton

The best effects of Dog Obedience Training in Marlton can be realized in the following areas: –

  • Clearing out confusion from dog’s Mind – An untrained dog can have
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Published on10/12/2016 9:35 am

You need a pet sitter you can trust whether you have an unexpected emergency, a carefully planned vacation, or the chance to celebrate with family and friends. When you choose a pet sitter in Marlton, NJ, consider Happy Tails of South Jersey. As we well know, sometimes there are emergencies that we can’t always avoid. But we CAN do our best to be prepared! Here’s how you can help your pet sitter be aware of possible issues:

  1. Mental Health

Sometimes our animal besties get sad or depressed, especially when there’s a change to routine. If you’ve noticed that your pet tends to have mental distress when you are out of town, please let your pet sitter know! We’ll work with you on medications, and we’ll do our best to help alleviate stress while you and your pet are separated.

  1. Daily Exercise

You know your pet best, which includes walks, games and training. Let us know how long you take your pet on walks, how much time you spend in the backyard, and if your pet

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